We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these uncertain times.  Due to the rapidly changing global news and updates, and to ensure the health and safety of our members and communityThe Business of WE is going virtual! For the months of March and April our monthly Masterclasses will be held via Zoom. Our annual High-Tea event has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 31st at the same location from 12:00pm to 5:00 pm.  




In the meantime, our team here at The Business of WE would like to remind you #LadyBosses to stay low-key and in high-vibes!  Here’s a productivity list to keep you grounded, centered, healthy and sane (with hubby, kids, fur babies) during this outbreak. Now, remember that staying safe, stocking up on goods and strengthening your immune system, should be on the tippity top of your to do list! More importantly, be calm, be positive and be optimistic, as this WILL pass!  


Work (and Workout) From HomeLet’s be responsible and do our part by self-quarantining, for the health and safety of ourselves and others.

Create Passive IncomeThis always requires either an upfront investment of money or of TIME, that can eventually earn you money while you sleep.

Host a Livestream Stay connected with your audience from the comfort of your home, while still providing relevant information and valuable resources. 

Write That Book:   Block off timeeliminate distractions, seek inspiration and get motivated to finally complete that book you’ve been drafting.

Backup Your Files For those that are not a fan of cloud computing, and still using external hard drives, research and download data back software today.

Do Your Taxes Whether you filed an extension or finalizing your return for 4/15 deadline, make the time to gather those expense receipts and get it done. 

Organize Your WorkspaceDeclutter your space to gain mental clarity, maximize your time, leverage your expertise and position yourself for success.

Connect Socially (Online): Network effectively on professional platforms like Linkedin for business related connections and resources that are useful.

Learn to Meditate:  As such as time as this we are called for greater mindfulness, relaxation and healing to experience peace, optimal health and well-being.

Catch up on SLEEP: Yes, our top choice.  Sleep releases stress, increases productivityallows our brains to recharge and boosts our immune system!


What we need most right now is the collective energy of FAITH!… Staying creative and productive (yet informed), will provide us with a sense of normalcy, which may help distract us from the inconveniences, the unease and the fear the current news is creating in our lives.  


We look forward to connecting with you at an upcoming virtual event and to seeing you at a live event soon.  If have any questions and to learn more about being part of the sisterhood, head on over to the Business of WE community page.