Public Speaking: Feel The Fear And To Do It Anyway!

Public Speaking: Feel The Fear And To Do It Anyway!

We all know the benefits of public speaking to grow our businesses… it boosts our credibility and establishes us as an expert, helps us develop a personal connection and build trust, enabling us to provide value and generate leads for our businesses. But...

2017 Summit Recap

On Friday, October 6th, The Business of WE (Women Entrepreneurs) celebrated its 2nd annual Summit! It was a full day of connecting and sharing of knowledge with 145+ passionate women (and even a few gentlemen). We are humbled and grateful for all the amazing feedback...
5 Keys to Success in Business

5 Keys to Success in Business

In business, one person’s success may not look like the next. While we may arrive at success differently, what cannot be denied are principles that are consistent with success! Hard work and grit will, over time, greatly enhance the likelihood of success, for example....
Using Speed as a Competitive Advantage

Using Speed as a Competitive Advantage

As business owners, it used to be we had to worry about competing with the big fish; big brands with money to spend on marketing and advertising, leaving little room for the little guy. This is no longer the case. The internet has – to a large degree – leveled...
10 Lady Bosses Share Advice About Life and Business

10 Lady Bosses Share Advice About Life and Business

For the entrepreneur, success in business is the goal, but it’s not always an easy road. For women, it can be especially tough balancing the demands of business with the demands of home life – which often include marriage and motherhood. In an environment...
8 Essentials Smart Businesswomen Never Leave Home Without

8 Essentials Smart Businesswomen Never Leave Home Without

1. Business Cards. You never know whom you are going to meet and what opportunities may come your way on any given day. In those chance encounters, you’ll need to whip out your card and give it to a potential client. 2. Your phone & charger. You’re lost without...